📄️ Redis Overview
Redis is an open-source advanced key-value cache and data storage, which provides a heightened durability. It is often perceived as a data structure server, as far as keys can contain different types of data: strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps and hyperloglogs. All of these data elements can be processed with different atomic operations, such as appending to a string, pushing an element to a list, incrementing the value in a hash, getting the member with the highest ranking in a sorted set, etc.
🗃️ High Availability (Cluster)
2 items
📄️ Backup-Restore Add-On
Database Backup add-on is compatible with all the MySQL-based (MySQL/MariaDB/Percona), PostgreSQL, and Redis databases in the CloudMyDC Application Platform. It works in tandem with Backup Storage to help users automatically create and store database backups at the remote storage.
📄️ Encryption In Transit Add-On
The CloudMyDC-certified Redis database is provided with a built-in add-on that implements _“encryption in transit”_. The functionality ensures data protection with SSL/TLS encrypted connection while it moves between servers. After the add-on installation, support for a secure connection is configured on a separate port 6380, while maintaining the default port 6379 to accept unencrypted connections for backward compatibility (if needed, it can be disabled via settings).
📄️ Diaspora_ Tutorial
How to Install Diaspora\*