📄️ Zero Code Change Deploy
Unlike the vast majority of hosting services, the platform does not force developers to follow any specific requirements of immutable infrastructure, proprietary runtimes or API to host a project. Such an approach becomes especially substantial when it comes to migrating from virtual machines to containers, decomposition of traditional (so-called legacy) monoliths to microservices, or while moving from one provider to the other.
📄️ Deployment Manager
The Deployment Manager is located at the bottom of the dashboard and is used to store applications to simplify their subsequent deployment into your environments. There are two subsections to provide support for the following deployment types:
📄️ Deployment Guide
The platform supports various ways of the applications automatic deployment, allowing to choose the most suitable option, which will suit your specific needs:
🗃️ GIT & SVN Auto-Deploy
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📄️ SSH Access To Git Repository
With the platform, you can easily deploy your application from any remote public or private GIT/SVN repository for each of the supported programming languages: Java, PHP, Ruby, Python, and Node.js.
📄️ Deploying Apps Via Gitblit
Gitblit is one of the most popular tools for managing, viewing and serving your repositories within Git - a widely spread VCS (version control system) for software elaboration.
📄️ Deployment Hooks
Gitblit is one of the most popular tools for managing, viewing and serving your repositories within Git - a widely spread VCS (version control system) for software elaboration.