🗃️ Connection to Applications
4 items
🗃️ High Availability (Cluster)
6 items
📄️ Backup-Restore Add-On
Database Backup/Restore Add-On
📄️ Corruption Diagnostic Add-On
The Database Corruption Diagnostic add-on is available for all the MySQL/MariaDB/Percona databases (including cluster topologies) and can perform diagnostics to detect file corruption. It checks the integrity of the cluster’s indexes, tables, and databases.
📄️ Encryption In Transit Add-On
MySQL/MariaDB/Percona database solutions are provided with a built-in add-on that implements “encryption in transit”. The functionality ensures data protection with SSL/TLS encrypted connection while it moves between servers. After the add-on installation, all the related operations are handled automatically - data encryption before transmission, endpoints authentication, content decryption, and verification upon arrival.
📄️ Remote Access
You can work with your databases remotely from your computer without having to login to our dashboard. So here are some instructions on how to access with MySQL. They can be used both for Java and PHP environments.
📄️ Dump Import-Export
1. Create a new server instance using any desktop client for MySQL/MariaDB/Percona (we use MySQL Workbench as an example).