📄️ Wildfly Server
WildFly is a modern, flexible, lightweight and managed application runtime, which is written in Java and implements the latest standards and technology of the Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE) specification.
📄️ Wildfly Managed Domain
Nowadays it’s easy to get up and running WildFly standalone server in a container. But what if you need to enable clustering in Managed Domain mode which is one of the key features of Jakarta EE in general. That is not so easy task. Some people claim it’s nearly impossible in the cloud-native world, because Jakarta EE clustering was designed before the containers era. The old question at the official developers portal is still not answered with any adequate instruction that just proves the presence of the issue.
📄️ Building Wildfly Docker Image
With the platform, the process of preparing your own Docker image can be greatly simplified by building it on the basis of the already existing one (namely - on the top of the platform CentOS 7 base template). This allows to skip all the steps, that are already accomplished within that “parent” template, and add the required adjustments only. We’ll consider this procedure on the example of preparing custom WildFly image - flexible and lightweight Java application server, which is a direct successor of the popular JBoss one.