🗃️ Tomcat and TomEE
6 items
🗃️ Jetty
3 items
🗃️ GlassFish
4 items
📄️ Payara
Ensuring trouble-proof 24/7 service delivery is among of the most discussed areas in cloud hosting for the last few years.
🗃️ WildFly
3 items
📄️ Spring Boot
Hosting Spring Boot Standalone and Clustered Java Applications with Jelastic Cloud
📄️ Java Engine Server
Java Engine software stack is an image of a base CentOS template with the preinstalled JDK. It provides a bare minimum required for Java application hosting, while ensuring compatibility with all of the platform features (e.g. automated vertical and horizontal scaling, public IP, isolation groups, firewall rules, API and SSH access, etc.).