📄️ Traffic Distributor Overview
One of the most common problems you can face upon your project growth is the necessity to maintain multiple environments.
🗃️ Routing Methods
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📄️ Traffic Distributor Installation
The process of Traffic Distributor installation is fairly simple with the PaaS - being specially packed for the Marketplace, it can be created in a few clicks and start working in just a matter of minutes. Herewith, the configurability of the solution is great, so let’s walk through the installation steps below to learn about all of the available functionality and hidden nuances.
📄️ Traffic Distributor Integrate
In most cases, developers face the problem of traffic distribution between several backends when already having some running application, with a pool of existing users and constant incoming load. Thus, besides the general traffic sharing configuration difficulties, it is additionally complicated with the necessity to apply the appropriate “on-fly” changes to the front-end application instance. In many cases, it causes a temporary app downtime. So in order to minimize such negative influence on your customers, below we’ll consider the ways to easily and painlessly integrate Traffic Distributor (TD) solution into your running application topology.
🗃️ Use Cases
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