📄️ Helm Integration
Kubernetes provides multiple options to deploy applications. One of the most common methods is to use the Helm package manager. If you are looking to run a popular or any relatively known solution in your Kubernetes cluster, most likely it can be found as a preconfigured package that can be installed in a matter of minutes. Helm helps you install Kubernetes applications from remote repositories as well as create local Helm charts.
📄️ YAML Deployments
Kubernetes natively supports deployments from both JSON and YAML files. However, among the community, YAML is a more frequent option and can be considered a standard.
📄️ Internal Networking
Internal networking configuration within the Kubernetes Cluster is an entirely automated process, which is based on the K8s Services. The CNI plugin creates and configures an overlay network, which allows providing all pods with the IP addresses.
📄️ Exposing Services
While components of your application can communicate with each other by service names using the internal network, external connections require additional configurations.
📄️ Creating Ingresses
Ingress is a Kubernetes Cluster load balancer that manages external access to the services, provides SSL termination and name-based virtual hosting. It is managed via a set of rules (spec) that are matched against all incoming requests.