📄️ Collaboration Overview
Every large project is a result of the joint effort of multiple people. However, different team members working in a single account is not an efficient workflow that can cause numerous problems (including security issues). The platform provides a reliable _account collaboration_ feature that greatly facilitates joint development and management, ensuring successful and efficient collaboration.
📄️ Collaboration Roles Policies
The defining characteristic of the platform’s collaboration feature is its extreme flexibility. It is ensured through the _roles and policies_ mechanic, which provides an ability to share the exact instances and permissions needed for a particular use case. This guide covers all the specifics of roles and policies configuration and provision.
📄️ Create Collaboration
In order to create your own collaboration, you just need a billing PaaS account (primary account) that will invite additional customers/users (collaboration members). You can perform most collaboration-related operations via the dedicated section at the account settings panel.
📄️ Collaboration User Experience
Once the collaboration is established, its members can start working with shared environments. In this guide, we’ll go through all the peculiarities of the process.